In case of dissatisfaction
Learn more about the Commissioner for Admission to Professions.
You can file a complaint if you are dissatisfied or have difficulty in obtaining a permit or becoming a member of the Ordre.
An independent governmental body is available to you: the Commissioner for Admission to Professions (Commissaire à l’admission aux professions – in French only). The commissioner receives and examines all complaints concerning admission to professions:
- for any process or stage of admission;
- against any person or organization involved (the College or a third party).
Commissioner for Admission to Professions
The Commissioner for Admission to Professions was established in 2009 to ensure that professional orders in Quebec fairly recognize foreign diplomas (or other qualifications) and work experience acquired outside Quebec.
In 2017, the focus on equity and efficiency extended to all stages and stakeholders involved in the admission process.
The mandate of the Commissioner for Admission to Professions consists of four functions, including receiving and examining complaints related to professional admission.