Certified true copy
Certified copies are required for certain documents.
To obtain a certified true copy of a document, contact one of the certifying officials recognized by the Collège des médecins du Québec with the original document in hand.
Certifying officials
The Collège des médecins du Québec accepts certification from the following certifying officials:
- Member of a professional order (eg. notary, pharmacist, physician…);
- Commissioner for oaths (wherever one is available, verify your local listings);
- Representative of any embassy or consulate;
- Judge or justice of the peace.
For the certified true copy to be accepted by the Collège des médecins du Québec, the certifying official must follow the procedure below:
- Make a photocopy of the original document.
- The official must ensure that the copy is a true copy of the original in front of him. The official must also ensure that the copy is complete. All the text (including signatures), images and borders must be clear and legible.
- The official must include the following on the copy in ENGLISH or FRENCH:
- His name;
- His title and membership number. If he does not have a membership number, he must write his contact information or use his seal;
- The following declaration: “I certify this to be a true copy of the original” OR “Je certifie que la présente est une copie conforme à l’original”;
- The date of certification;
- His signature.
If the certifying official is a commissioner for oaths, the procedure for administering oaths established by the Ministère de la Justice is also valid. Consult the following link for further information: Ministère de la Justice, Gouvernement du Québec. A remote swearing-in is also possible under certain conditions.