List of disciplinary hearing
Disciplinary hearings are held in person or virtually via Teams. Anyone wishing to attend can do so by clicking on the Teams hyperlink in the table below. Please note: when a hearing is held in person, a maximum of 10 seats are reserved for the public. Beyond this number, no one other than the 2 parties and the disciplinary board may be admitted to the room. In addition, a Teams link is always available, enabling you to follow the hearing live, even if it is taking place in person.
Important :
We remind you that orders to protect patient privacy may be issued at the beginning and during the hearing. If you are absent at the time of their announcement, we invite you to contact the Greffe by e-mail at, so that you can read them without any private information being divulged.
For further information, we invite you to read the Guide to participating in a virtual hearing (in French only) and to consult the Information on disciplinary hearings section of our website.
If you have any difficulty accessing the site, please contact the Greffe by e-mail at, who will endeavour to provide you with a reply as soon as possible.