Documents required and other conditions
This section lists the documents required and other conditions depending on the type of application that you wish to submit to the Collège des médecins du Québec (CMQ).
The Medical Education Division will not keep any document concerning you that is received before it receives your application from physiciansapply.ca or the Collège's Online services
This section lists the documents required and other conditions for each of the following types of application. For applicable fees, please refer to the pricing page.
Types of application
- Application for special authorization – Regular and accelerated application
- Application for registration
- Application for a training card
- Application for eligibility to a postgraduate training (as a fellow)
- Application for a regular permit – Practice ready (M.D. – QC, CAN, U.S.)
- Application for a regular permit – Practice ready (holder of a regular permit to practice in Canada)
- Application for a regular permit – By recognition of the equivalence of an M.D. degree for international medical graduates (IMGs)
- Application for a restrictive permit – Quebec-France MRA, Clinician, Professor
- Application to convert a restrictive permit into a regular permit
Documents that must be sent directly to physiciansapply.ca
- Your documents will be source verified in accordance with established criteria.
- Please see the physiciansapply.ca page: How to submit a document.
- Make sure you have authorized the CMQ to access all your documents.
- If your credentials are in a language other than French or English, you must use the physiciansapply.ca translation service. Please refer to the physiciansapply.ca website: Translation of your documents.
Provisional degrees (M.D. and specialized programs) are not accepted.
Documents that must be sent directly to the CMQ
- Most of the documents to submit directly to the CMQ must be in digital format. For this purpose, we will contact you upon receipt of your application to inform you of the missing documents in your file, if any.
- If your document is written in a language other than French or English, you must provide an official translation bearing the seal of a certified translator.
- If the wording of the seal is in a language other than French or English, it must also be translated. Separate translations must be attached for each document.
- If you documents must be sent by mail, please send them to the following address:
Medical Education Division
Collège des médecins du Québec
Suite 3500
1250, René-Lévesque Boulevard West
Montreal (Quebec) H3B 0G2
1 In accordance with the College's Policy respecting a professional’s name and name change requests, the professional must provide two pieces of identification at the time of initial registration with the College and validate their common professional name.
Your identification documents should be uploaded from your personal page only.
If you were born in Canada:
First identity document: certified true copy of your birth certificate (issued by the Registrar of Civil Status)
Second identity document: one of the documents listed in the Policy (p. 3)
If you were born outside Canada:
First identity document: certified true copy of your valid passport
Second identity document: birth certificate (including an official translation bearing the seal of a certified translator if the document is written in a language other than French or English) or French national identity card OR any other Canadian identity document:
- Canadian citizenship certificate (front and back)
- Permanent resident card (front and back)
- Canadian driver’s licence
- Canadian healthcare card
The name that appears on the Second identity document must be identical to your usual professional name (see the Policy).
2 Certificate(s) of professional conduct no more than three months old, issued by the medical regulatory authority of every country, State (State Board) or province that you are or have been licensed to practice in. Each certificate must be sent directly to the Collège by the issuing authority by email at cgs@cmq.org.
3 Postgraduate training certificates (corresponds in some countries to internship or residency): the letters must be signed by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine or by the Executive Director of the health care institution where the training was completed. The start and end dates of each training period must be specified for each discipline.