The Board of Directors
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The Board of Directors oversees the general administration of the Collège's affairs and the application of the provisions of the Professional Code, the Medical Act and its regulations. It exercises all the rights, powers and prerogatives of the CMQ, except those within the competence of the members of the Collège in general meeting.

The Board of Directors is responsible for the general supervision and management of the Order's business. It is responsible for implementing and monitoring the decisions of the Order and of the members at the General Assembly.
In addition, it oversees the application of the Professional Code, and exercises all the rights, powers and prerogatives of the Order, except those that fall within the competence of the members of the Order meeting at a General Meeting.
The Board has a strategic role within the organization. It oversees the pursuit of the Order's primary mission, namely the protection of the public, by discharging its responsibilities under the Professional Code and using the powers delegated to it, in particular :
- Powers relating to admission to the profession (issuance of permits, entry on the roll of the order, assessment of competencies);
- Regulatory powers to oversee the practice of the profession and control the competence and integrity of its members;
- Powers to control the illegal practice of the profession and usurpation of title.
The Board is also responsible for adopting the budget, establishing effective, efficient and transparent governance policies and practices, ensuring the integrity of internal control rules, and ensuring the Order's viability and longevity.
The Board of Directors is composed of 16 members, including the president, all elected for four-year terms.
- 11 elected members of the Order
- 1 elected member who is 35 years of age or under at the time of their election. This director is elected by the other members of the Board of Directors following an invitation for nominations from among the members and does not represent any particular region. Their term of office is equivalent to that of the other directors (s. 77.1 of the Professional Code)
- 4 members, who are not physicians, are appointed by the Office des professions du Québec. They are often called “representatives of the public”, since they are not members of the Order.
A place for young people aged 35 and under
The Board of Directors of every professional order must now include at least one member aged 35 or under at the time of election.
If, following an election, the Board does not include at least one elected member aged 35 or under at the time of election, it will appoint an additional member, chosen from among the members of the order aged 35 or under following a call for candidates within 30 days of the election. The member thus appointed is deemed to have been elected to the Board. His or her term of office is equivalent to that of the other Board members.Desired qualities and skills
CA members must also demonstrate loyalty to the Order. They must act in the best interests of the order and ensure that its mission of protecting the public is fulfilled. Under no circumstances must they give priority to their own personal interests or to those of the members of the electoral region that elected them.
Secondly, Board members must exercise their duties with competence. To this end, they must develop and maintain up-to-date knowledge of the role of the Board of Directors of a professional order, particularly with regard to governance and ethics, equality between women and men, and the management of ethnocultural diversity. Board members must also know and understand the ethical standards applicable to them, and be committed to respecting and promoting them.
Consult the matrix of skills required to sit on the CMQ Board of Director (in French only).
Responsibilities of members
The members of the Board of Directors must act in the best interests of the CMQ in accordance with the main function of the Order, namely, to ensure the protection of the public. They perform their duties with integrity, honesty, loyalty, diligence, prudence and to the best of their ability. To perform their duties effectively, they ensure that they develop and maintain their knowledge.
Members must refrain from placing themselves in a situation that could interfere with the performance of their duties and must comply at all times with the Code d’éthique et de déontologie des administrateurs et membres de comités [Code of ethics and professional conduct for directors' and committee members; in French only]. They attend meetings on a regular basis and contribute by participating actively in decisions or opinions. They are remunerated using attendance tokens and their travel expenses are reimbursed.
See the skills matrix (in French only) for members of the CMQ's Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors meets at least six times a year, excluding extraordinary meetings that are held from time to time. Regular meetings last an average of one day each. Directors must do the required reading before each meeting.
Members listed according to the region they represent
Northeast region
Dr. Mauril Gaudreault

Family medicine
President of the Board of Directors
“As President of the Board, I am proud of the measures we are putting in place to protect the public better.”
Central region
Dr. Élyse Berger-Pelletier

Emergency Medicine
“As a member of the Board, I am proud to be able to participate in the College's mission to protect the public through empathetic, evidence-based, interprofessional collaborative medicine. I'm proud to serve with my background as a mom, doctor and manager. I hope to be able to pursue the strategies put in place by the Collège, for improved accessibility through winning innovations aimed at the entire Quebec population.”
Dr. Simon Patry

“As a member of the Board, I am proud to contribute to the modernization of the Collège for an ever safer, and continually reinvented, patient experience.”
Northwest region
Dr. Amélie Coutu

Internal medicine
“As a member of the Board, I am proud to testify to the reality of practitioners in the field and thus strengthen the quality of medical care in Quebec.”
Dr. Guy Morissette

Family Medicine
“As a member of the Board, I feel privileged and proud to be able to contribute my experience and background to ensure that the population has access to appropriate, safe and quality care, particularly front-line services developed with the relevant authorities readily available, and end-of-life care planned and administered with dignity.”
Metropolitan region
Dr. Valérie Lamarre

Pediatrics - Infectious diseases
“As a member of the Board, I'm proud to be able to work towards the growth of a strong, concerted medical voice, in order to take the lead in improving our healthcare system.”
Dr. Guylaine Larose

Emergency pediatrics
“As a member of the Board, I am proud to contribute, to the best of my knowledge and experience, to the quality and accessibility of medical care for the Quebec population. I am also convinced that the CMQ can help create conditions that allow physicians to give their best in this beautiful profession.”
Dr. Nathalie Saad

Vice-president of the Board of Directors
“As a member of the Board, I am proud to have contributed to the development of best practices in telemedicine by participating in the Working Group on Telehealth. I am also proud, as co-director of the 'Member Mobilization‘ component of the 2023: A new direction strategic plan and as Vice-president of the Board, to have been able to put forward ideas to bring the CMQ closer to its members.”
Dr. Cécile Tremblay

Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
“As a member of the Board, I am proud to contribute to the constant improvement of the quality of care offered to the population through a collaborative interdisciplinary approach, combining scientific rigor and humanism.”
Southern region
Dr. Pierre Guérette

Emergency medicine
« As a member of the Collège's Board of Directors, I'm proud to do my part by getting involved in interprofessional collaboration and the future challenges facing the medical profession, including the digital health file and the challenges posed by artificial intelligence in healthcare. In this way, the Collège promotes high-quality, accessible medicine, looking ahead and maintaining its criteria of excellence.. »
Dr. Chantal Vallée

Internal medicine
“As a member of the Board, I am proud to promote a human medicine, quality medicine, medicine that puts the protection of the public at the heart of its actions. I am committed to practicing according to these values I hold dear.”
Member who is 35 years of age or under (s. 77.1 of the Professional Code)
Dr. Cassandre Latourelle-Théberge

Family medicine
“As a member of the Board, I am proud to contribute the innovative perspective of a newly practicing physician in order to improve the CMQ's outreach to members and the public, while integrating flexibility and speed of execution into its practices, in order to rally young physicians to our mission of protecting the public by providing quality medical care.”
Representatives of the public (appointed by the Office des professions du Québec)
Mr. Sylvain Beaudry

“As a member of the Board, I am proud of the new direction the Collège is taking in order to develop closer relations with the public as well as improve its organizational agility, promote recognition of its members' medical practice and adopt exemplary rules of governance. I support its mission to protect the public by providing quality medical care.”
Ms. Thérèse Martin

“As a member of the Board, I am proud of the challenges the Collège has overcome in recent years in its desire to be ‘less distant, less alone, less silent.’ Since the protection of the public is at the heart of the CMQ's reflections and decisions, I intend to participate positively in fulfilling this mission as a representative of the public.”
Ms. Nathalie Pierre-Antoine

“As a member of the Board, I am proud to contribute to its work as a representative of the public. Our commitment to protecting the public drives our discussions and is at the heart of our actions and decisions.”
Mr. Guy Versailles

“As a member of the Board of Directors, I am proud to contribute to the effective and attentive governance of a profession that is essential to the well-being of the entire population. Protection of the public and a framework that promotes professional and ethical competence and good conditions for the practice of medicine are two sides of the same coin.”