Presidency and divisions
Learn more about the structure of the College, which is administered by a president and has nine divisions to perform its functions.
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The elected directors of the Collège’s Board of Directors (BD) select the president of the Order from among their number.
This is an important function, since the chosen member represents the CMQ in dealings with political bodies and the order's partners, as well as acting as its principal spokesperson with a large number of stakeholders (politicians, media, etc.). The CMQ President also oversees the quality and quantity of services offered to the public, in keeping with the organization's mission.
To carry out its duties, the CMQ is supported by a Board of Directors and a Requests Committee, as well as standing committees and nine divisions. The Executive Director coordinates the activities of all the departments, and ensures that the decisions and orientations of the Board of Directors and the Requests Committee are implemented.
Dr. Mauril Gaudreault
Dr. Mauril Gaudreault was elected president of the Collège on October 19, 2018 for an initial four-year term, and re-elected in October 2022 for a second term of the same duration. He is the 34th president in the history of the Collège since its founding in 1847. He has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2008.
Under Dr. Gaudreault's leadership, the Collège has made a major strategic shift to bring it closer to the public. As a result, the organization has made its voice heard on a range of issues relating to quality of medical care and the management of the Quebec healthcare network. At the same time, the Collège is increasingly emphasizing the social responsibility of physicians.
"I am proud of the work accomplished by the Collège as part of its strategic shift. We are providing stronger leadership on issues such as access to care, systemic racism, medical aid in dying and the environment, while always putting patients at the heart of our concerns," said Dr. Gaudreault when he was re-elected president of the CMQ in the fall of 2022.
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Executive Management
The Executive Director
Appointed by the Board of Directors (BD), the Executive Director is the organization’s highest-ranking executive and, consequently, the superior of the directors and all personnel. He is responsible for the sound management of human, financial, material and information resources.
The Deputy Executive Director and Secretary
The Deputy Executive Director is responsible for relations with professional orders and partners, primarily in health and human relations. He serves as secretary of the shareable medical activities committee and the prehospital emergency medical services committee.
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The divisions
To perform its functions, the Collège relies on a Board of Directors and a Requests Committee, and has standing committees and nine divisions. The Executive Office coordinates the activities of all the divisions and implements the decisions and orientations of the Board of Directors and the Requests Committee.
Legal Affairs Division
The Legal Affairs Department (LAD) is mandated to ensure that the Collège’s rights and obligations are respected and is responsible for coordinating litigation activities. It plays an advisory role to various bodies such as other divisions, committees and working groups.
Communications and Public Affairs Division
The Communications and Public Affairs Division (CPAD) is responsible for the deployment of all of the organization’s communication actions, both internally and externally.
Professional Development and Remediation Division
In support of the Continuing Professional Development and Remediation Committee, the Professional Development and Remediation Division (PDRD) ensures the application of the Regulation respecting mandatory continuing education for physicians and the Regulation respecting periods of refresher training and refresher courses that may be imposed on physicians.
Inquiries Division
Every year, the Inquiries Division receives numerous requests for information regarding the professional practice of physicians from patients, their family members, physicians, institutions and coroners.
Medical Education Division
The mandate of the Medical Education Division (MED) is to ensure that future physicians develop the necessary competence to practice medicine independently and to establish professional education standards for all family medicine and specialty programs recognized by the Collège des médecins du Québec. To fulfill its mandate, the two main functions of the MED are the admission to the profession and the supervision of the medical training.
Finances and Information Technology Division
The mandate of the Finances and Information Technology Division is the optimal planning and management of financial, information technology and material resources.
Professional Inspection Division
The mandate of the Professional Inspection Division (PID) is to monitor the quality of practice of all active physicians in order to contribute to improving the health of Quebecers.
Human Resources Department
The employees of the Collège constitute its greatest wealth, and as such the mandate of the Human Resources Director (HRD) is to deploy the necessary actions to recruit highly competent staff, in addition to ensuring the development and mobilization of people employed by the Collège, in accordance with best practices in the field.