Filing a claim for compensation
The CMQ has created a compensation fund to reimburse, in part or in full, the sums or values stolen.
Under the Regulation respecting the indemnity fund of the Collège des médecins du Québec, people who have paid sums of money to a physician (e.g., a fee advance) can receive compensation when the physician has used the sums for purposes other than those intended.
This procedure cannot be used:
- To claim damages and interest for harm.
This type of claim falls within the jurisdiction of the civil courts. - For the conciliation and arbitration of a physician’s accounts. If a patient has a dispute with a physician regarding the amount charged for professional services, they may submit a request for conciliation to the CMQ’s Syndic.
How to file a claim for compensation
Anyone who would like to file a claim must do so in the year in which they become aware of the illegal use of the sums of money they paid to a physician. Their written claim, setting out the supporting facts, must indicate the amount claimed and be made under oath.
The oath makes your claim more official or credible. You may take an oath in person or remotely before a commissioner for oaths. Taking an oath may be free, but the commissioner for oaths may also charge a maximum fee of $5 per oath, at their discretion. For more information, you can contact the CMQ and ask to speak to a commissioner or contact a commissioner for oaths in your region via the Justice Québec website.
Claims must be sent to:
Collège des médecins du Québec
Suite 3500
1250, René-Lévesque Boulevard West
Montreal (Quebec)
H3B 0G2